Ephesians 4: 11-12
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
Helps Ministry
A successful ministry cannot be run without the labor and support of a strong Helps Ministry. At TOF, we take great pleasure and honor inourhard working and dedicated Helps Ministry workers. By participating in the Helps Ministry you can assist in meeting the natural needs of the people. We invite you to join the Helps Ministry today.
Helps Ministries includes the following:
• Food Committee
• Hospitality
• Missionary/Benevolence
• Nurses
• Ushers/Greeters
The Membership Ministry plays a key role in the mission of our church. There's a place for everyone to serve. Come join us and see how God will work through you to make an eternal difference in the lives of others!
Membership includes the following:
• All the Kings Men (Men's Ministry)
• IROCC (Young Adult Ministry)
• New Breed (Youth Ministry)
• Women of Fragrance (Women's Ministry)
The purpose of this ministry is to help the church achieve its mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ through the use of Internet, media-print, broadcast and digital communications. Members of the Publications Ministry are responsible for announcements, bulletins, letters, brochures,flyers and website updates. They also contact the press with events information. Be a significant part in aiding to help bring to pass the mission of the Publications Ministry.
Publications Ministry includes the following:
• Announcer
• Church Reporter
• Website
Kingdom Arts Ministry
The Kingdom Arts Ministry (KAM) is an important part of worship at the TOF. We have been created so that we can praise and worship God. That is something that we should desire in our hearts to do. We believe that music is worship and the KAM plays a vital role in our worship services. Whether you sing, dance, act or play an instrument, we encourage you to see where you can best use your gifts to God's glory! We have opportunities for all age groups and we invite you to become a part of the KAM. For those who prefer to be behind the scenes, we also have need for willing workers in the media ministry.
KAM includes the following:
• Drama
• Media
• M.U.S.I.C (Adult and children's dance and mime ministry)
• PKs (Children's choir)
• Praise Team
• Voices of Deliverance (Adultchoir)